Bursa Grows Turkey Grows

We Are Implementing an Exemplary Business Model for Turkiye with the TEKNOSAB Logistics Park

Ibrahim Burkay, Chairman of the Board of the Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BTSO), stated that they have developed projects to rebuild the ecosystem of Bursa’s business world and said, "Our projects have not only become rare works in our own geography but also in the country. We started with 16 projects in 2013, and today we have brought 60 projects to life. The vision and projects we put forward must be different, because BTSO has a transformative power," he said. Chairman Burkay also emphasized that the TEKNOSAB Logistics Park Venture Capital Investment Fund, which had its application period extended due to high demand, is an exemplary business model for Turkiye.

The BTSO October General Assembly meeting was held at the main Chamber Building. In his speech at the meeting, Chairman Ibrahim Burkay emphasized that being strong in the geography where Turkiye is located is not an option but a necessity. Referring to the recent attacks on the defense industry, he noted that these events once again highlighted this reality, saying, "The world is going through a difficult period. There are geopolitical challenges alongside economic ones. I strongly condemn the malicious attack on TUSAŞ, the heart of our national defense industry. I pray for mercy for our martyrs and healing for the wounded. It is not easy to hold on in this geography. Unity and solidarity are crucial. May God grant our unity and stability forever."

Emphasis on Unity and Solidarity

Stating that Turkiye has the potential to compete with G-7 countries, Burkay continued: "The key issue here is to put aside the details and unite on the main issues. The Turkish people have managed to be united in both good and bad times, making us one of the rare nations in the world. We truly achieve the impossible." Chairman Burkay also referred to the "Subcontractor and Supply Chain Management Workshop" organized for the first time this year by the Presidency of Defense Industries at Bursa Business School, which serves as the reference training center for the business world. "We brought the defense industry together in Uludağ. This success is the result of our previous efforts. Ten years ago, we established the Bursa Space Aerospace Defense Cluster (BASDEC), and today we have 140 companies in this cluster. The more effort you put into the soil, the more you will reap. The same goes for the business world. That's why they say, 'Effort surpasses fate.' Our job is to strive. We put great effort into every project together with our assembly, and we are achieving great results."

"Bursa Has Transformative Power"

Referring to the IDEF, one of the world’s most important defense industry events, which will be held in 2025 under the organization of KFA Fuarcılık, Chairman Burkay said, "It is a strategic step that our company KFA Fuarcılık will organize this fair. We must rebuild our ecosystem in Bursa. If we want to continue our strong presence in the country's economy 50 or 100 years from now, we must develop new business models. This is why KFA Fuarcılık took on the organization of IDEF. For the business world, we established the Bursa Business School in Uludağ. Each project we undertake has become a rare work not only in Turkiye but also in our own geography. We started with 16 projects in 2013 and today we have brought 60 projects to life. The vision and the projects we put forward must be different, because we have transformative power. When this is used properly, not only BTSO members and the Bursa economy grow, but Turkiye grows as well. What we have experienced so far has shown us that the prerequisite for independence is first and foremost economic independence."

"TEKNOSAB Logistics Park Will Be a Model for Turkiye"

Chairman Burkay emphasized the importance of differentiation in the business models applied across sectors. Pointing out that innovation does not only occur in products, he highlighted that the TEKNOSAB Logistics Park Venture Capital Investment Fund is a role model for Turkiye. "We need to differentiate the way we do business. With the Logistics Park project we have implemented at TEKNOSAB, we are creating a business model that will serve as an example for Turkiye. This is essentially a business model designed for our companies to benefit from the economic value that will emerge in Bursa. There have been very positive responses. We have extended the application and account opening process due to high demand, but we will implement this project quickly. Thus, we will kick off a project that will be a model for the entire country."

Chairman Burkay's Statement on the 1/100.000 Scale Environmental Plan

Chairman Burkay also made comments regarding the 1/100.000 scale environmental plan. "Decentralization of industry within the city is an issue for Bursa. There is a need for urban transformation not only in housing but also in industry. It is essential to include these issues in the 1/100.000 scale plan. The urban stock in Bursa needs a rapid transformation in the next 5 years. Organized residential areas are a very important project for us. That is why the new environmental plan is very valuable. As a city and as the business world, we must continue to persistently explain our projects and roadmap in these areas."

"We Will Reach Stronger Futures Together"

Ali Uğur, Chairman of the BTSO Assembly, stated that they celebrated the 101st anniversary of the Republic with great enthusiasm and pride, saying, "The courage of countless unsung heroes in our War of Independence, and the love for independence and determination of our nation, have established the Republic of Turkiye, which is the most precious heritage left to us and future generations. As the business world of Bursa, we will always protect this heritage entrusted to us by our ancestors and continue to work with determination to carry it forward to stronger futures with national unity and solidarity.”


| 31.10.2024 |


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