Bursa Grows Turkey Grows

Statistics of Established-Closed Companies

Statistics on established-closed companies are prepared since 2003 based on the registrations of the Chamber Registration Directorate of the Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This data shows the number of established-closed companies in Bursa as per the records of our Chamber.

These figures reflect the numbers of whole Bursa including the districts (excluding Gemlik, Orhangazi, İnegöl, Karacabey, M.K.Paşa, Yenişehir, İznik where chambers are established. The figures concerning the established-closed companies in these districts could be demanded from the chambers of these districts).

Statistics on Established Companies

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
2024 517 426 388 291 392 268 431 392 473 0 0 0 3578
2023 561 416 499 364 444 439 364 446 477 529 495 636 5670
2022 531 415 513 410 411 528 345 517 498 459 531 671 5829
2021 437 387 457 379 157 415 419 461 474 464 473 477 5000
2020 484 371 359 130 161 393 485 345 428 421 376 394 4347
2019 348 289 314 325 314 199 345 244 319 358 344 414 3813
2018 495 372 369 442 398 310 334 253 312 304 321 365 4275
2017 394 308 346 334 356 372 320 329 268 371 344 342 4084
2016 350 368 335 349 290 324 141 283 212 287 281 347 3567
2015 402 261 285 292 253 267 220 247 236 294 290 354 3401
2014 473 230 302 305 259 242 272 224 256 224 258 469 3558
2013 349 297 280 314 322 221 246 160 274 173 285 320 3241
2012 371 251 240 208 255 251 209 170 210 227 240 195 2827
2011 365 288 326 333 297 355 246 252 268 290 209 223 3452
2010 280 222 291 248 256 266 250 239 182 240 252 278 3004
2009 313 204 197 206 216 231 229 182 192 199 206 247 2622
2008 345 325 263 248 252 243 295 205 233 149 196 177 2931
2007 258 247 297 214 276 258 204 265 281 211 260 235 3006
2006 221 330 264 238 240 254 188 212 184 170 218 281 2800
2005 226 147 261 220 215 251 204 218 271 239 190 265 2707
2004 181 110 165 161 156 184 217 175 182 172 182 243 2128
2003 160 96 158 186 186 165 182 173 180 156 102 216 1960

Statistics on Closed Companies

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total
2024 197 166 101 69 161 91 199 107 98 0 0 0 1189
2023 176 92 129 71 75 153 141 106 113 149 181 259 1645
2022 194 67 98 129 122 111 107 135 158 114 129 184 1548
2021 368 128 132 107 53 80 100 137 94 109 120 125 1553
2020 138 97 105 35 59 74 106 88 130 115 80 170 1197
2019 209 90 78 108 72 54 139 77 85 84 69 141 1206
2018 166 101 122 82 58 80 140 82 102 116 74 162 1285
2017 171 72 70 48 60 72 57 110 62 176 89 108 1095
2016 129 91 77 10 183 66 96 51 40 121 114 115 1093
2015 132 93 88 84 67 92 107 69 71 58 88 66 1015
2014 131 48 89 113 59 73 96 42 73 49 72 137 982
2013 151 95 86 96 89 82 86 51 62 78 70 122 1068
2012 141 59 59 46 53 69 102 61 51 67 88 123 919
2011 89 69 93 86 91 76 80 80 66 77 90 96 993
2010 90 85 84 58 59 70 68 66 41 35 61 80 797
2009 118 30 126 79 67 87 93 68 98 76 74 117 1033
2008 108 64 61 48 51 73 108 59 67 57 63 79 838
2007 106 58 83 43 46 55 60 44 45 45 54 56 695
2006 44 55 30 68 78 72 41 52 39 37 61 75 652
2005 42 24 67 47 51 43 49 25 23 29 33 25 458
2004 37 28 38 23 26 34 47 41 29 54 43 57 457
2003 60 33 112 44 39 41 24 24 40 33 36 64 550

As per the temporary 7th Article of the Turkish Trade Law Nr. 6102, defunct and cancelled companies are not included in the statistics on closed companies.

Economy of Bursa
  • General Overview to the Economy of Bursa
  • Foreign Trade in Bursa
  • Sectoral Report
  • Statistics of Established-Closed Companies
  • Organized Industrial Zones
  • Research on 250 Large Firms
  • Bursa Economy
    BTSO Ekonomi