BTSO, with the Bursa Business School (BBS) project, has restored the historic Kirazlıyayla Sanatorium building on Uludağ, which is among the unique works of the Republic era. It has been transformed into a reference training center and offered to the business world.
The structure, designed by architects H. Emin Onat, who became Turkey's youngest "Ordinary Professor" and also the architect of Anıtkabir and Prof. Dr. Leman C. Tomsu, the first female architect and professor, has been converted into an education-accommodation facility through the project.
The BBS project, formulated within the framework of the 'Lifelong Learning' model, aims to provide senior executives with the skills to refresh their knowledge and adapt to the rapid developments in the global economy.
Establishing strategic partnership agreements with leading universities in Turkey and around the world, BBS also holds the mission of being a center where high-level training sessions are provided for members of all chambers and exchanges in Turkey, including TOBB. It serves as a hub for company meetings, trainings, conferences and domestic and international summit meetings.