Global Trade Agency Project
Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BTSO), as the umbrella organization
for Bursa's economy, has implemented the Global Trade Agency Project with the
vision of Turkey's development based on exports and the empowerment of SME's
with an exporter identity. Through this project, BTSO enables its members to
become key players in the global arena.
With the aim of enhancing companies production and export performance,
keeping up with global developments, getting to know international
competitors, and adapting to new technologies, our "Global Trade
Agency" project provides our members with the opportunity to visit the
most prestigious fairs abroad.
In 2014, nearly 1,000 of our members participated in 23 fair organizations
in more than 10 countries on 4 continents. In 2015, approximately 1,500 of
our members visited a total of 31 fairs. Continuing its efforts with
increasing performance in 2016 and 2017, our Chamber organized events at
major centers worldwide, including Frankfurt, Paris, Milan, Tokyo, Munich,
Dubai, Madrid, and New York. Within 5 years, BTSO facilitated the
participation of over 6,000 members in more than 160 international business
As a result, many of our members had the opportunity to travel abroad for
the first time and conduct research related to their industries.
With the contribution of BTSO's projects, our city gained 1,000 new
exporters within 5 years. In other words, the increase in the number of
exporters in Bursa is equivalent to the total number of exporters in
neighbouring cities combined.
Within the scope of business trips, BTSO and KOSGEB utilized 22 million TL
in support, visited nearly 150 foreign chambers of commerce and professional
organizations, and held bilateral business meetings with over 1,200 foreign
companies. One out of every eight of our members traveled abroad.
According to post-trip surveys conducted with participants, the overall
satisfaction rate is over 85%.