Ulutek (Ulutek Technology Development Zone)

The opening ceremony of the Uludağ Technology Transfer Zone (ULUTEK) that Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a partner, is made on the 10th September 2005 by Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
The founder delegations of the Ulutek Technology Development Zone founded basis on the Technology Development Zones Law No. 4691 and Technology Development Zones Governing Regulations decrees are Uludağ University, Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, Bursa Special Provincial Administration, Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Undersecretariat of Foreign Trade and Uludağ Exporters Association General Secretariat. Bursa Special Provincial Administration, which was one of the partners in 2013, withdrew from the partnership because it was closed and it transferred its share to Bursa Metropolitan Municipality in 2014.
Ulutek Technology Development Zone is founded on a 471 thousand 230 square meters field in Uludağ University Görükle Campus as the 17th Technology Development Zone of Turkey.
Founding purpose of the zone is to produce technological knowledge in order to make the country’s industry a competitive and export-oriented structure by providing cooperation between universities, research institutions and organizations and production sectors, to develop innovation in products and manufacturing methods, to increase quality or standards of products, to increase design quality, to increase productivity, to reduce production costs, to commercialize technological knowledge, to support technology-intensive production and entrepreneurship, to provide small and medium-sized enterprises with adoption to new and advanced technologies, to create investment opportunities in technology intensive areas by taking into account the decisions of the Supreme Board of Science and Technology, to create job opportunities for researchers and skilled persons, to support technology transfer, as well as to provide the technological infrastructure required for international companies with R&D ability and tradition to make R&D in the region, which will accelerate the foreign capital inflow to provide high / advanced technology.
Contact Information
Address |
: : Uludağ Üniversitesi, Görükle Kampüsü 16059 Görükle/Bursa |
Telephone |
: 0 (224) 280 84 00 |
Fax |
: 0 (224) 280 84 05 |
Web |
: http://www.ulutek.com.tr |
Mail |
: ulutek@ulutek.com.tr |