Our Education Investments
BTSO Education Campus

The protocol ceremony of “BTSO Education and Sport Valley” project which is realized within the “Full Support To Education” campaign and is built on the land determined by Governorship of Bursa was signed on the 2th August 2004 by Former Governor Mr. Oğuz Kağan Köksal, and Mr. Celal Sönmez; Former President of the Board of Directors of BTSO.
It was constructed integratedly with “Sevgi Köyü” and sport complex of Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports which were built by Governorship of Bursa in Atıcılar Neighborhood. The Campus that is the biggest education investment of Bursa has a feature to be an example combined training center to Turkey with its social facilities, sports and educational fields that even many private schools don’t have.
There are a sport high school with 12 classrooms, a social sciences high school with 12 classrooms, a general high school with 24 classrooms, an industrial vocational high school with 12 classrooms, an elementary school with 24 classrooms, an preschool with 100 students capacity, an autistic children education center with 500 students capacity, a gifted children science and art center with 400 students capacity, a girls’ dormitory with 100 students capacity, a boys’ dormitory with 200 students capacity, an indoor sports hall and a multipurpose hall of 400 people capacity in a field of 28,000 square meters in the campus that is constructed on the 130,000 m2 field whose property belongs to Provincial Legal Entity in Atıcılar Neighborhood of Osmangazi District.
The Campus, the foundation of which was laid by President Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in January 2005 was put into service by Mr. Erdoğan again on the 20th September 2006. Education Valley in which 6500 students total will have education in total 14 separate educational and sports facility was named “BTSO Education Campus” after it was opened.
The names of the schools in the campus
The Board of Directors of BTSO made a decision to name total 14 educational and sports facilities in BTSO EDUCATION CAMPUS after Mr. Osman Fevzi Efendi who is the founder of the Chamber and 12 Presidents of Board of Directors up to today representing the loyalty that the Chamber shows to its 117-years background. Within the same decision, the name of Mr. Oğuz Kağan Köksal; Former Governor of Bursa by being the originator of the project was also given a facility.
The names of 14 educational and sports facilities in “BTSO EDUCATION CAMPUS” which Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan opened and one of the biggest educational investments at the primary and secondary level of Turkey were determined as follows:
1-BTSO Osman Fevzi Efendi Joint Facilities
2-BTSO Sait Efe Elementary School
3-BTSO Baha Cemal Zağra Autistics Children School
4-BTSO Hayri Terzioğlu Industrial Vocational High School
5-BTSO Hasan Alkoçlar Preschool
6-BTSO Kamil Tolon Science and Art Training Centre
7-BTSO Abdi Biçen Sports Hall with Tribune
8-BTSO Hüseyin Sungur High School
9-BTSO Selahattin Aktar Girls’ and Boys’ Dormitory
10-BTSO Mehmet Şener Sports Hall
11-BTSO Ali Osman Sönmez Social Sciences High School
12-BTSO M.Mutlu Uraz Sports Hall
13-BTSO Celal Sönmez Sports High School
14-BTSO Oğuz Kağan Köksal Multipurpose Hall
July 15 Martyrs - Prof. Dr. İlhan Varank Vocational Education Complex

BBTSO Vocational Education Campus which was constructed in the area with 80,000 square meters in Yeniceabat with the intention of growing qualified work force in vocational field and brought to Turkish national education by BTSO which has important investments in education field as in numerous fields was put into service by Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on the 22th April 2012.
The Campus which consists of social facilities that cover educational fields and workshop sites, indoor sports hall and outdoor playfields, cafeteria and dormitory buildings, also has a practice hotel building that belongs to the hotel management and tourism high school.
There are 12 blocks with workshop buildings that have 10,000 square meters closed construction area in the campus which has total 29,400 square meters closed area and has 4,200 students capacity.
Gürsu Industrial Vocational High School

BTSO Gürsü Industrial Vocational High School became the 3rd educational institution to be brought in Bursa by Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry after Kükürtlü and Hürriyet Elementary Schools. The foundation of the high school was laid by Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on the 26th July 2003.
The Industrial High School that consists of 24 classrooms cost 1 trillion 287 billion liras and finished in October 2003. The school which would have electricity, electronic and computer departments has total 22,171 square meters area including 4,210 square meters closed area. BTSO Gürsu Industry Vocational School is a school with 3 floors and consists of a workshop with 1000 square meters, and has a capacity to provide 720 students with education opportunity.
BTSO Hürriyet Elementary School

It was put into service by Mr. Hikmet Uluğbay; The Minister of National Education of its period in Soğukkuyu on the 25th September 1998. The school with 24 classrooms was established for contribution to the 8-years education. The school which is located on a 3,300 square meters land totally, consists of 5 floors with ground floor.
The school that has 24 classrooms also has laboratories and library. 21 teachers work and 950 students receive education in BTSO Hürriyet Elementary School.
BTSO Kükürtlü Elementary School

BTSO Kükürtlü Elementary School, the foundation of which was laid on the land of 4,230 square meters in 1985 and put into service by Mr. Kurtçebe Alptemuçin; Minister of Finance of its period in 1986 is the first school that Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry gifted to education. It educates total 2,170 students with 60 teachers in 21 classrooms today.
Yıldırım Chamber of Commerce and Industry High School

The protocol ceremony of Yıldırım Chamber of Commerce and Industry High School which were started to be constructed by Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry was made in 26th June 2004. The high school in point became the 4th school that Bursa Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BTSO) gifted to national education. The school which was opened in Yavuz Sultan Neighborhood in Yıldırm has a total 3,714 square meters closed area and consists of 24 classrooms.
Yıldırım Chamber of Commerce and Industry High School provide 720 students with education opportunity in 3 floors and 24 classrooms.
Religious Boys’ Dormitory

The construction of the Religious Foundation BTSO Boys’ Dormitory which was built on the land of 5,000 square meters and shelters 200 students was completed by BTSO again and the opening of it was made on the 22 April 2012.